Introducing Reuben Joseph! By Kelly Miller • October5,2015 • Updated March 13, 2020 • Leave a Comment 31 Hello everyone! After a unexpected induction on Friday, our Reuben Joseph came into the world weighing 6 lb 10 oz! If you were keeping track, I wasn’t due until October 19th, but the doctors decided to have him come due to him not moving all that much and blood pressure issues I’d been having throughout the pregnancy. Needless to say, I was a bit of a nervous wreck! Thankfully, the induction went more smoothly than I could have asked for – I was only in labor for 7 hours and he was out with one push! We are so thrilled and blessed to be his parents and I am really excited to see how these brothers grow up together. Stick around tomorrow for two REALLY yummy recipes, but for now I’m going to go get my squish fill. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes! 31